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HotelsCombined Top Destinations:

Most Expensive Destinations of 2019

1. Maldives
2. Seychelles
3. Aruba
4. Monaco
5. Mauritius
6. French Polynesia
7. Bahamas
8. Cook Islands
9. Vanuatu
10. Mozambique

Most Affordable Destinations of 2019

1. Bolivia
2. Laos
3. Nepal
4. Macedonia
5. Peru
6. Serbia
7. Cambodia
8. Slovakia
9. Guatemala
10. Lithuania

Top 10 Best-Value Destinations for 2019

1. Tunisia
2. South Africa
3. Shanghai
4. Samoa
5. Bali
6. Uruguay
7. Portugal
8. Taiwan
9. Romania
10. Burkina Faso

Top 10 Cities to visit in 2019

1. Washington DC
2. El Chaltén, Argentina
3. Milan, Italy
4. Zermatt, Switzerland
5. Valletta, Malta
6. Plovdiv, Bulgaria
7. Salisbury, UK
8. Vienna, Austria
9. Chennai, India
10. Toronto, Canada

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