Hotel CV Database

Our Hotel CV Database is for all the hotels (7 star, 5 star, 4 star, 3 star, 2 star, 1 star, budget, economy), restaurants, cafe's, eateries, canteen's bakeries and other hospitality firms in United Arab Emirates (UAE), Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar, Bahrain, and Kuwait.

If you are a recruiter, headhunter, HR Manager, HR intern or placement executive in the above or in a recruiting agency, you can browse the profiles below to search for the ideal candidate that fits your job vacancy.

What is so Unique about this Database? You will find each candidate with the 7 most important criteria, including current designation, experience, main employable skill set, and highest education.

This will help you easily short-list the candidates that pass your basic criteria. Once you have this, you can then contact them for more details. So no need to go through tonnes of data just for shortlisting and selection.

Short-list the ones you like and then call for their CV's or resume's and then make the decision. So your productivity increases and you get access to the best deserving candidates fit for the role.

And the best part is...This is completely FREE for you. There is no charge to access this database. The data is given on this page, you just need to scroll down...

Hotel CV Database

Some types of Hotel/Hospitality - related Profiles in our database:

  1. Hotel Manager, Guest Relations Manager, Business Development Manager,

  2. Receptionist, Porter, Housekeeping staff, Waitress,

  3. Food & Beverage Manager, Waiter, Steward, Butler, Handyman,

  4. Kitchen Staff, Chef, Cook, Commis I, Commis II, Commis III,

  5. Hotel Director, Floor Manager, Pastry Chef, Reservations Staff,

  6. Concierge desk staff, Gym Instructor,Bakery Manager,

  7. Pool Attendant, Life Guard, Chauffeur, Driver, Gardener,

  8. Hair Dresser, Nail Spa Therapist, Beauty Salon Therapist,

  9. Massage Therapist, Spa Manager, Masseur, Florist,

  10. Security Staff, Valet Parking Staff, Room Service Staff, etc.

Hotel CV Database ~ Is it Really Free?

It's an initiative that I have taken up to help candidates and job seekers get noticed by recruiters and be called for an interview.

If you are a job-seeker and wish to have your details also listed here for free, then please fill up the form here...

If you are a recruiter and want to post your job vacancies for FREE on some of our Whatsapp jobs groups, please do contact me.

Hotel CV Database ~ Job Seekers List

Get access to the free database by clicking here...

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Michael Page Articles

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FREE Whatsapp Jobs Groups

FREE Whatsapp Jobs Groups Dubai, Abu Dhabi, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman, Bahrain, Kuwait, Egypt, Jordan

Please join ANY ONE ONLY from these 10 General Groups:

GCC Jobs Groups: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

And join your Sector-Specific Groups:

Accounting/AuditingSecretary/AdminAgricultureAirlinesApparel/FashionAutomotiveBanking/FinanceBuilding MaterialsCall CenterConstructionC-Level •  Design/Creative/ArtsDiverAeronautical EngineeringChemical EngineeringCivil EngineeringElectrical EngineeringEnergy EngineeringIndustrial EngineeringFMCGFreelancerGovernment/Public SectorHospitalityHRHSEInsuranceInternship/FresherIT & AILegal/LawLogistics/Supply ChainManagementMarketingMedia
Oil & GasPurchase/ProcurementReal EstateRemote/Hybrid • Sales/RetailSecurityTeaching TechnicianTransportation


LinkedIn Jobs Group

LinkedIn jobs group

Join the fastest growing Jobs Group on LinkedIn for jobs & vacancies direct from Recruiters...



  1. Fill up the Interview Questionnaire.
  2. Send your Existing CV.
  3. Pay for CV Writing Service.
  4. Receive 1st Draft in 3-4 days. Give Feedback.
  5. Receive Final CV, (unlimited revisions) + FREE Bonus worth 190 US$.

LEARN More About 'How It Works' and the 'Procedure for CV Writing'...


CV Evaluation

Send us your CV for a FREE Resume Evaluation with "no obligation to purchase our services". Also, for a small fee, we pass your CV through an Applicant Tracking System (ATS software) to see whether it is a good fit for a job vacancy, and edit it to increase the score.


Click Here To View Our Latest Resume Writing Formats & Templates...

And Click On The Images Below To View CV Writing Examples in PDF Format...


Facebook Jobs Group

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MENA Jobs Guides

Dubai Jobs Guide

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...A Dream Job in Dubai & the Middle East.


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